Saturday, January 19, 2013


what lies ahead, i don’t know.
i’m scared. are you?

last friday, i shot this short film with daniel from onethousandburningsands. it was filmed based on a poem i wrote, a poem about growing up and about entering a new phase in life. well, i just survived the first week of work, it wasn't that bad a experience i guess, but i kind of miss school. i miss the friends, and i miss being able to see familiar faces wherever you go, whenever you want. the grown up world, it's colder, it's harsher, and everyone around you is just a blur. but i guess it's all part of the growing up; things change, people change, we have to change too. meh, don't want this post to turn out sappy but yea here's the poem:

There are about 7 billion people in the world,
But you can’t possibly meet them all in your lifetime.
An average human being lives up to the age of 70,
And every day of our lives, we grow.
We learn. We meet new faces. We visit new places.

Our life is like a journey they say,
You board a train with no return trip,
Get off the next station and hop on to the next train.
Boarding each train with other commuters. Some are strangers.
Some are friends. Some are enemies. Some are family.

The playground of yesteryears,
Where pirates frolicked about with princesses,
And astronauts played hide-and-seek with movie stars.
But now you can’t even recall their names.
Their faces. Their voices. Their innocence.

We all grow up, and we make choices and decisions.
There comes a time when we shed our scruffy young skin
And clamber about in clothes that didn’t really fit us.
And it is at these crossroads that we choose a different path.
A different destiny. A different future. A different life.

It is like a forest with different treks and paths,
Or a train station with an endless service of trains,
And at each station or crossroad, some would follow you,
Others would leave you. And you try to recall their names.
Their faces. Their voices. Their existence.

You get numb to this entire process,
Because it just repeats itself again and again.
Just a name to a face, or a face to a name.
And you waved them goodbye as they set on a different path.
A different destiny. A different future. A different life.

And you just stared out into space,
Because you can’t do anything else.
The end is just a question mark.
What lies ahead, I don’t know.
I’m scared. Are you?

what lies ahead is indeed scary, but i guess if we all live each day with an open mind, and be excited for new challenges that will come our way, our lives would be a fulfilling one. i really enjoyed the entire experience in producing this film. i've always had been acting on stage, but never in front of a camera, so it was a new change for me, so pardon my bad acting and all. but yes, daniel is an incredibly talented film maker, should really go check out his art works, it was a great pleasure collaborating with him. and after filming this, i really want to thank everyone who made my school life enriching and memorable, i will really miss all of you. and to those who have yet to enter this phase yet, please treasure your time with your friends in school. whereas for those who have long lived through this phase, i hope this film rekindled some old memories and feelings for you, so yea go drop a message to your friends now and catch up with them. yea do remember to make time for your old friends and your family, i know it's easier said than done, but yea we'll have to try.

my life is just crazy mad busy now, on top of my job, i am writing for a fashion website too, and i'm directing/acting in a play. ah well, enjoy your weekends, and thank you for reading this long post, i've hoped you enjoyed the film~

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