Showing posts with label collab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collab. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2013

of concrete and terrains

So it has been a while since I last posted anything at all, and I apologize for the inactivity. Army has been a crazy two months for me so far, the lifestyle is a drastic change for me but I have kind of adjusted to this military routine thus far. 

Managed to take some time off my schedule to do this photoshoot recently, had the pleasure to shoot with the amazing Edwin. He was a joy to work with, executing his poses effortlessly. I had always wanted to shoot at the lallang fields in Punggol and I finally dragged my lazy self there, it wasn't a really spectacular sight per se but I am glad the photos turned out nice. I really like how the formal wear is contrasted against the wilderness, creating a very high fashion kind of setting.

This editorial was really fun to work on, rushing to catch the sunset and changing clothes right in the open, I was quite amazed at the outcome of the pictures, it was quite a different style of photography and photo-editing for this series in comparison with my older photographs.

I really hope I would get the time to upload more photos here soon, I'm going to graduate from my Basic Military Training in a week's time and then I'll be off to Bangkok for a short getaway. Till then, stay safe and have fun~

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

street streak

Haven't really been doing photoshoots with male subjects (that's not myself), so I decided to do one this time round. Was a really casual shoot with my friend Jun, was going more for a street style kind of shoot. Really like the one where Jun was standing on top of that electrical control box thing, we are both weird and crazy that way haha. I really had fun on this shoot, it's great shooting without a concept once in a while and just let everything go with the flow.

I'm doing a shoot this weekend with two gorgeous models in stunning dresses, but I still have not thought of a location that fits my concept, oh well. I got callbacks for my auditions! Really stoked about it, since it's an actual theatre production with a big local company (sort of, as compared to the small school productions I've been on). But I'll be stuck in the army during the callbacks, so not sure how things are going to turn out. Might just give up on this opportunity. Army. Sigh.

Two more weeks before I enlist. Not cool.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

kiss on the lips

had an amazing photoshoot with a great team, it was kind of a cool experience working with a photoshoot team for the first time, with make up artists and model. wanted to do a studio kind of editorial shoot, but i didn't have studio lighting on hand, so had to make do with theatre lighting which is way too strong - new lesson learnt. but i really like how the photos turned out, photoshop does wonders! this make up editorial first started when dyon (check out his fashion blog nobilii) showed me some pictures of crazy lip make up and hence we decided to try out these make up on our own, not on our own faces of course, and hence the production of these editorial shoots. there would be more collaborations with nobilii coming soon, check out his blog for more photos i shot.

oh oh, and i just received news that my photo, freefall, is chosen to be exhibited at pop up noise singapore. albeit it being a small-scaled exhibition and only one of my photos is chosen, but it's still a really great opportunity! so if you feel artsy fartsy next week, do head down to star vista mall anytime from 1st to 10th march to look at all the amazing artworks :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013


what lies ahead, i don’t know.
i’m scared. are you?

last friday, i shot this short film with daniel from onethousandburningsands. it was filmed based on a poem i wrote, a poem about growing up and about entering a new phase in life. well, i just survived the first week of work, it wasn't that bad a experience i guess, but i kind of miss school. i miss the friends, and i miss being able to see familiar faces wherever you go, whenever you want. the grown up world, it's colder, it's harsher, and everyone around you is just a blur. but i guess it's all part of the growing up; things change, people change, we have to change too. meh, don't want this post to turn out sappy but yea here's the poem:

There are about 7 billion people in the world,
But you can’t possibly meet them all in your lifetime.
An average human being lives up to the age of 70,
And every day of our lives, we grow.
We learn. We meet new faces. We visit new places.

Our life is like a journey they say,
You board a train with no return trip,
Get off the next station and hop on to the next train.
Boarding each train with other commuters. Some are strangers.
Some are friends. Some are enemies. Some are family.

The playground of yesteryears,
Where pirates frolicked about with princesses,
And astronauts played hide-and-seek with movie stars.
But now you can’t even recall their names.
Their faces. Their voices. Their innocence.

We all grow up, and we make choices and decisions.
There comes a time when we shed our scruffy young skin
And clamber about in clothes that didn’t really fit us.
And it is at these crossroads that we choose a different path.
A different destiny. A different future. A different life.

It is like a forest with different treks and paths,
Or a train station with an endless service of trains,
And at each station or crossroad, some would follow you,
Others would leave you. And you try to recall their names.
Their faces. Their voices. Their existence.

You get numb to this entire process,
Because it just repeats itself again and again.
Just a name to a face, or a face to a name.
And you waved them goodbye as they set on a different path.
A different destiny. A different future. A different life.

And you just stared out into space,
Because you can’t do anything else.
The end is just a question mark.
What lies ahead, I don’t know.
I’m scared. Are you?

what lies ahead is indeed scary, but i guess if we all live each day with an open mind, and be excited for new challenges that will come our way, our lives would be a fulfilling one. i really enjoyed the entire experience in producing this film. i've always had been acting on stage, but never in front of a camera, so it was a new change for me, so pardon my bad acting and all. but yes, daniel is an incredibly talented film maker, should really go check out his art works, it was a great pleasure collaborating with him. and after filming this, i really want to thank everyone who made my school life enriching and memorable, i will really miss all of you. and to those who have yet to enter this phase yet, please treasure your time with your friends in school. whereas for those who have long lived through this phase, i hope this film rekindled some old memories and feelings for you, so yea go drop a message to your friends now and catch up with them. yea do remember to make time for your old friends and your family, i know it's easier said than done, but yea we'll have to try.

my life is just crazy mad busy now, on top of my job, i am writing for a fashion website too, and i'm directing/acting in a play. ah well, enjoy your weekends, and thank you for reading this long post, i've hoped you enjoyed the film~

Sunday, January 13, 2013


why is a raven like a writing desk?

i did a photoshoot with chantelle(yihuan) for her modeling portfolio, and we did a modern take on the literary classic 'alice in wonderland'. special thanks to shengyi and nathaniel for helping out with the shoot as well. it was a refreshing experience to shoot someone else other than myself, and i'm sure it'll be refreshing for you the viewers as well. you do not have to put up with my mediocre looks for a post, yay!

always wanted to be a fashion photographer when i grow up, or at least it's one of my many crazy ambitions but yah, hopefully i'll get there someday :)

the short film is still in the middle of post-production, but a teaser is going to be uploaded soon, so do look out for it on my facebook page at till then, have a great week ahead!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

and we played hide and seek

first photoshoot of the year! i did a collaboration photoshoot with daniel from deblackbook yesterday. it was a really fun experience albeit being caught in the rain, being bitten by bugs and squelching in wet mud. we had this idea of doing a narrative photo series, and we wanted to do an alice-in-wonderland-esque theme. i kind of brought out a dreamlike and slightly macabre feel to the photos through the post production, to create a more fantastical setting. do head over to deblackbook to see daniel's take on the shoot too. there will be more of such collaborations to come, and definitely more photoshoots to look forward to, so do stay tune~