Thursday, February 14, 2013

je t'aime

love me in spite of my flaws, my imperfections;

happy valentines and lunar new year to everyone out there, this is the season for love and for appreciation. love your family, your friends; accept one another for who we are, regardless of race, age, gender, sexuality, religion, beliefs. love is selfless, love transcends all boundaries, love has no limit. there's an innate beauty in everyone: beauty in the veins running through our arms, beauty in the slight crevice between our parted lips. beauty is everywhere as long as you learn to appreciate and to love. love someone because of their character, their flaws, their differences. but most importantly, learn to love yourself. as a quote from a beautiful movie/novel goes, "we accept the love we think we deserve"...

i need to learn how to love.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

guide: photography 101

so, many people have been asking me how i take my photographs, whether i have someone clicking it for me or if i have a secret clone of myself locked up in my cupboard. the typical photos which i have posted are called self-portraits. like how a typical self-portrait is a painting of the artist himself, self-portraiture photography is where the photographer is the subject matter of the photo. there are actually many types of photography out there, i hence decided to make use of this post to do up a short guide on them.


as mentioned, self-portraits are photos where both the photographer and the subject matter are the same person. most people have a wireless remote to trigger the camera to start shooting while they are standing in front of the camera. but what i do is to set my camera on timer mode (10 seconds) and then get into position while the beeping of the camera goes off. the camera is also set to burst frames so that it can capture up to 10 shots in one single taking. so yeap, most of my photos are composed in a mere 10 seconds.

if you were to witness one of my self-portrait photoshoots, you might think that i am mentally unstable or possessed. the levitation set i did was a challege for me because i had to climb up a ladder in 5 seconds, adjust myself in 3 seconds, and hold the position for another few more seconds. i really need a remote control haha.

these self portraits are often termed as fine art photography, because most of the time the concept and composition is key rather than the model themselves, therefore some fine art photographers also hire the help of their friends and family members for fine art photoshoots.

one of my favourite and respected self-portrait photographer is alex stoddard, he is an amazing photographer and has been shooting since young. he is merely 19 or thereabouts and he is able to create such wonderful art pieces that are emotional and breathtaking, and transcend all boundaries of time, nationalities and age. he really inspired myself as well as many teen photographers out there to create art with our cameras.

a much more famous photographer who does self-portraits would be cindy sherman, whose photographs dabble on the issues of feminism and female rights/stereotypes.


this is the most common kind of photography and the most personal one too, think family portraits, graduation photos, model test shoots, and your passport photo. these are some examples of portraiture which is shot in a photo studio with neutral lighting.

these shoots are normally, for the lack of a better word, boring. the focus of such photos is the subject's face, and sometimes props and backdrops can be used to provide a context for the photo. never, and i really mean never, confuse these shoots for high fashion editorials. model portraits are used for casting purposes and not to be blown up on billboards or to be printed on the front page of a fashion magazine. 

fashion editorials

flip through the pages of vogue, elle, harper's bazaar and you'll see high fashion spreads, with models in haute couture contorting their bodies to accentuate the structure of the clothes. these are fashion editorials, which are very different from commercial shoots, which i will be touching on later.

fashion editorials aim to sell clothes and to photograph these designer clothes in the best light, with the model merely serving as a tool to bring out the aesthetics of the clothes. usually fashion editorials follow a theme or tell a story and are done in a spread, with one model (or maybe more) carrying through the shoot decked in different outfits. these shoots can be done in a studio setting or done outdoors. both studio shoots and outdoor shoots have their perks. you would have full control of the settings in an indoor shoot, be it in terms of lighting, weather, etcetera while an outdoor shoot is able to spark interest for the audience in terms of interesting backdrops and scenes.

but most importantly, the clothes wear the person.

commercial shoots

fashion editorials cater to high fashion and haute couture while commercial fashion cater more to selling products ranging from beauty products to cat food or even toilet paper.

think covergirl or silkygirl with models pouting their thick luscious lips or batting their cat eyes in an attempt to promote the different products. these shoots are normally done in studio settings to bring focus to the products rather than the atmosphere of the photos.

wedding shoots

most people would have a chance to be involved in a photoshoot once (sometimes more) in their lifetime and pretend that they're models. haha but yah wedding photography can range from indoor studio shoots to outdoor shoots in the maldives or the savannah. 

most importantly wedding photographers aim to capture the love between the couple and to create fond memories which the couple can look back upon. unlike fashion which are mostly posed pictures where the models are directed to sell products, the only product being 'sold' in wedding photography is love, hence more candid and natural shots.

street photography

it is a genre of photography that feature subjects in candid situations within public places such as malls, park, streets, beaches, political conventions and maybe toilets (i mean it is a public place, and one's expression can be quite candid if you see a camera lens hovering above your toilet cubicle).

street photography captures human moments, caught at a poignant and decisive point in time. it is very true to life, photographing the different walks of life and in turn capturing the culture of a society in a single frame.

events coverage

if you have an important event which you need someone to record it all down, hire a photographer to do an event coverage. i feel that paparazzis fall into this category too, they cover runway walks and red carpets, and of course the lives of the celebrities. i mean life in itself is a great deal of an event.

travel/nature photography

when going on a holiday or backpacking trip, these photographers are not your usual snap-and-go tourists. each photograph is carefully and creatively composed. these photographers document the beauty of the different landscapes, the flora and fauna, and simply collecting the wonders of the world in their huge storage of photographs in their hard disk or sd cards.


#everyonecanbeaphotographer, #likereally. #foodporn, #ootd, #instadaily, #arejustsome #hashtags #instagrammers #use #everyday. #allyouneedisa #smartphone #andthe #app #andviola #youareofficiallyaphotographer.

ok, this is an unsually long post for me. we all learn new things everyday and i hope this post has provided some insights for everyone in terms of photography, although the list is not entirely exhaustive. it's the lunar new year tomorrow and i hope everyone celebrating it would receive lots of angpaos and strut around in your new clothes. happy lunar new year everyone!

photo credits: alex stoddard, rosie hardy, alexander wang for, about face by studio pr, jeff petry for nuvo magazine, white story for vogue italia, antonio anuk by css studios, taylor swift for covergirl, coco for chanel, allen-scott redgrave, perspectives photograph, navid baraty, maxmosher, david jensen, woman's day, alex nature photography, prowinwall, @knatephoto

Sunday, February 3, 2013

crown of roses

shattered glass
and smashed porcelain,
my face, cracked,
heart in smithereens.
i wore a crown upon my head.
a crown of roses with
thorns that pricked.
and i bled.
a crown that adorned
an empty core,
 because you stole my soul
and left me in sorrow.
i was a work of art,
of tears and blood
that trickled down
and stained my cheeks.
these roses you left me
i treasured dearly,
but these blood red petals,
they wither, they die,
and still i continued to bleed.

this week had been an emotional roller-coaster for me, but i'm so glad it's over now or at least i'm trying to move on. wrote a poem and shot a photo inspired by it, which kind of describes the state of mind i'm in right now. it's neither a good poem nor a good photo but yeaa i've been really really tired lately. just had a photoshoot for the play i'm directing/acting in, so that will be up soon once it's ready. but till then do note down the dates 8th or 9th march and come down to support us! have a great week ahead, stuff yourselves with reunion dinners and have a happy chinese new year~

Sunday, January 27, 2013


two posts in a single day woots. had plans to go out today, but i fell terribly ill, so i decided to take some photos to kill the boredom. i really have no idea what to blog about lately, or rather i have no idea what direction this blog is heading towards. there are like lifestyle blogs and fashion blogs and photo blogs, but i don't want to be mainstream. i mean, my photos aren't very mainstream to begin with, so i really have no direction to go towards. lifestyle blogs would have bloggers posting about food or like their outfits of the day, and fashion blogs would have fashion critiques and runway previews and photo blogs are merely a spammage of photos from their travels or whatsoever. but meh, i really don't know what to blog about. i mean i want to do fashion photography, but i don't have enough connections yet to get me there, and i am a really boring person so if i start introducing lifestyle posts, everyone would probably be bored to death. so yea my posts these days are really random and just a disjunct combination of everything and anything. haha hopefully i find a direction one day, and hopefully i haven't been boring you guys out. till then, peace out~

could you paint some colour in my life.


hope everyone had a great saturday, whether you were soaking in the atmosphere at laneway or catching up with your old friends or simply just mulling about in bed all day. remember the photo challenge i posted last sunday, yeap here are my photos through the week, all taken using instagram on my iphone. see, you don't need a dslr in order to take photos~

those little figurines that tower upon us, protecting us

of corroded words and forgotten warnings

through the criss-crosses lies a garden within

beneath faucets and pristine white bowls

that crack upon the wall which trails far and beyond

you see yet you fail to see

those lines and crevices that run through our every day

yep, just some of those things we take for granted each day or we just don't take notice of them at all. meh it's back to work and school tomorrow, hang in there everyone. ooh, i'll be having a few more photoshoots coming up! what with my crazy schedule, it's really hard to find time to organize photoshoots, but i'll be having three fashion editorials and one macabre-themed shoot coming up, do stay tuned~

Saturday, January 26, 2013

underwater utopia

sometimes i feel like drowning myself and just forget the world;

dug up some old photos i shot last year and decided to re-edit them. many thanks go to my models cheryl and terry, it was a great experience shooting underwater. i love being underwater, because it's like a realm on its own, it's as if you enter another world, and all the sounds and sights above the water are being blocked out. 

been feeling particularly moody these few days, so these photos really speak to me. have you ever wanted to just run away to a secret utopia of yours and just be unconnected from the outside world. it's like your own narnia, your own fantasy, your own playground. it's really nice to have some alone time sometimes, to break free from the dreary and bustling world out there. hope everyone's had a great saturday, enjoy the weekends before we all head back to work and school again. bleh.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


we're all explorers in our own rights and fields. get out there and explore the world, see everything around you in a new light, stop and appreciate your surroundings, and don't be afraid to get lost. only then will you see new things, new people, new buildings, new sights, and the finer beauty in your everyday life. why not let's start by taking one photo for every day of the week, a photo of something you overlook and neglect each day, or something new you explored and discovered, shouldn't be that hard right? look forward to seeing mine next sunday, and till then, have a great week ahead! :)